Sudirman Tower 7.8, Level 16 Unit 1 & 2
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav.7-8, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat 10220

About Us

Law Office ” MHS & Rekan “

The Law Office “MHS & Partners was first established in Jakarta on September 3, 2009 (10 years ago) by Mr. Manganju H. Simanullang, S.H.C.L.A His background of more than five years working in the office of one of the well-known Notaries in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, made him very knowledgeable and understands the Aspects of Company Establishment, Legality and also land dispute resolution techniques, is proficient in handling civil cases such as Unlawful Action Lawsuits (PMH) and Broken Promises Lawsuit, is also proficient in handling general criminal cases including the handling of special criminal cases such as corruption crimes, narcotics crimes. Apart from that, the education of a Legal Auditor holding the Competency Certified Law Auditor (CLA) title held by Jimly School (Prof.Dr.Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H., M.H_former Chief Justice of the 2003-2008 Constitution) made Mr. Manganju Simanullang & Partners adept at auditing subjects Person, Company Subject: Limited Company, Property, Mining, Government Agencies and other audit legal subjects.

His expertise in handling every matter entrusted to him makes his clients feel satisfied because for him the client’s trust is a big responsibility that must be carried out seriously. Besides resolving cases in a professional, tough, dignified, honest and responsible manner. he is also known as a professional advocate who is friendly, flexible and always provides the best service to each of his clients. This is what has earned him the respect of his clients, colleagues, and fellow lawyers.

The Advocates and Lawyers who have joined the “MHS & Partners” Law Office at this time include:

  1. Manganju. H. Simanullang, SH., M.H, C.L.A. (Business/Company Law, Agrarian Law, Property Law and Criminal Law, Legal Auditor)
  2. Hombar Sinambela, SH. (Civil & Employment Law)
  3.  Fransius Iraqata Simanullang, S. (Civil Law)
  4. Tiandro Paradise, S.H. (Assistant Advocate)
  5. Bintara Munte (Staff)